Thursday, 13 April 2017

The Easter Triduum

W.A.L.T... understand what the Easter triduum is and explain why it is important for Catholics.
I really enjoyed making this prezi because I liked zooming into the photos. I also think I could have used a way better and more exiting layout for my prezi.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Life In The Trenches

W.A.L.T... about how soldiers felt when they were in the trench and also how they risked there lives for their family and their country. I really enjoyed finding the information that went into my thinglink. Next time I could add a little more links in my image.

Animal Soldiers

W.A.L.T... about animals that served in the war I really liked making this and I also enjoyed gathering the information to make my digital learning object maybe next time I could add more information about other animals than horses.

The Anzac Puppy

It began in 1914 the sun was blazing hot. We were being attacked by a Turkish army. All I could hear was the crying of my fellow soldiers. Yelling and sprinting away from the rumbling war zone.

Then Bang I get shot in the leg. I am painfully hurt I slowly walk back to base. My face is blue with a tear drop coming out any second now. I feel lonely until my best mate Freda comes to my aid and the all of a sudden I forget about the pain.

Image result for freda the anzac puppy

W.A.L.T... write a flash back from another perspective and use show not tell. I really enjoyed writing from the perspective of Sam the soldier. Maybe next time I could use more show not tell in my stories.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Passion Sunday

In our class we learnt about passion Sunday and why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and why he wanted everyone to see him. I liked making the image because it was my own creation I also think it was hard to find out about the reason he rode into Jerusalem.